
New city, New library card

 It was a rainy day in The Bay. It was quite pleasant to feel the cool drops of rain that my umbrella didn't catch. After lacing up my oldest sneakers and slipping on a pair of sweat pants, I braved the weather to complete my mission. Signing up for a library card. It was a success.  The librarian offered me a fun variety of cards to choose from. I picked the card with a nature design that said, "connect with your library (anywhere)." That warmed my heart! I geek out for simple things like that. My obsession with words. I love books and bookstores but the library allows you to date books. You don't feel guilty if you don't make it past the first page because you will return it in a few short weeks. And then start the adventure all over again.  Now the real meat (or protein to be more inclusive for my vegetarian friends) of this blog post is about how to find good fiction reads for adults. Growing up as a young reader, the YA fiction section was always well curated

Perhaps no one will read this

 Why am I starting yet another blog? Well, there are a few things I would like to improve. Since this blog has a specific purpose, hopefully, I will stick with this one and blog daily. This burst of inspiration came from a podcast featuring Seth Godin. He said something along the lines of, everyone should have a daily blog even if no one reads it. I completely agree with that because, as I mentioned earlier, I have a few things I want to improve.  Goal 1 : Get better at explaining concepts, ideas, and recaps of the media I consume. There are times when people would ask me questions about a book, idea, or show I've watched and I would struggle to communicate the main idea or the premise of it. So, I am excited to improve this skill. I want to be a master communicator!  Goal 2 : Expand my vocabulary. Recently, I noticed that I keep recycling the same words in conversation. Almost like I cannot dive deeper. Living on the surface level of life but no more! Time to dig deeper. Find mean